The goal of this final paper is to analyze the contributions and reflections developed by institutions, professors and interpreters about inclusive education for deaf people and report the difficulties which students confront in the regular schools of Crateús – Ceará. To fulfill this, research was carried out with a qualitative approach using as an instrument the case study, with the use of observations in nine inclusive schools of Crateus and interviews with eight interpreters, and with twelve professors of these deaf students of these researched inclusive classrooms. We also used bibliographic research guided by authors such as Manieri (2011) and Strobel (2006, 2007), among others. The work was structured into three chapters, beginning with a brief history of the education of deaf people in the world, in Brazil and in Crateus and educational philosophies, going through the approach about the inclusion of deaf students in education, and concluding with the description and analysis of the research data. In spite of the effort of the education departments to try to provide interpreters for the schools for carrying out education for deaf people, we observed that the professors and staff of the schools need training in the area of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)). It is necessary for the deaf student to have daily contact with their maternal language (Libras) to propitiate better communication and consequently improvement in their education. The study revealed the importance of increasing the provision of interpreters in the schools, preferably specialized in specific curricular components so that there can be a better communication of the content dealt with. The planning of the classes could take place with participation of the deaf students, so that a more adequate teaching methodology could be obtained.