The goal of this paper is the observation and analysis of the relations which are established between the production of musical arrangements according to academic criteria and their applicability in music education of children and adolescents, thus investigating not only the elements and the theoretical/technical processes which are present in the elaboration of arrangements but also verifying issues which show the presence of the social in music. Thus, in a first moment, the research occupies itself with the arrangements and their place in music. To arrange can be transferring a composition from one setting to another as it can also be the elaboration of a new language without changing the setting. Thus, in music education environments it can also be translated as “giving an opportunity”, making it possible for the professor/arranger to have a more sensitive perspective and directed toward the various educational realities. In a second moment the research identifies that our musical choices reveal the way we understand the world and how we act in society being an individual and private experience, but also a reflex of the whole social influence that we receive. At the end, it identifies that, in the field of music education, we still recognize the existence of many deficiencies in regard to the access to the cognitive processes of comprehension, use and manipulation of the musical languages and practices. These cognitive gaps are reflected and can be perceived in all educational levels from basic literacy training to higher level education.