This paper presents the results of a “documental research” type of investigation about the Pirambu Pre-ENEM (PEPI) as an inclusion instrument of youth in situations of vulnerability in the higher education program of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE). It is known that Brazilian education has, for a long time been a motive of discussion because of its low-quality level. It is also notorious that the investments directed toward this have always been insufficient to grant a better quality. The IFCE, sensitive to this dilemma, implanted the PEPI in the perspective of diminishing the deficit and granting the offer of better education through pedagogical actions aimed at the social layers which live in the condition of excluded. To achieve the results of the research various authors were consulted as well as academic documents of the students who participated in the PEPI and reports of goals reached in the period from 2010 to 2014. With the results of the documental analysis, confronted with the theoretical referential we arrived at the following conclusions: Brazilian education needs advances to be considered inclusive: there are many public policies which are not being applied in favor of social inclusion; there is a disparity between the quantity of students enrolled in private colleges and universities and the quantity of students who enrolled in higher education in public institutions, especially in the IFCE; the academic and professional performance of the students who participated in the PEPI presented expressive transformations of attitude of this clientele, who, upon acquiring more knowledge, are contributing with the socio-economic and cultural development of Pirambu and the surroundings through social projects.