This paper had as a reference the analysis of the National Program of Integration of Technical Education with Basic Education in the Education Modality for Youth and Adults [PROEJA], implanted in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology on the Iguatu Ceará Campus, through the Decree n. 5,840/06. To facilitate the comprehension of relevant aspects about this study, we sought to answer the following question: in what way has the National Program of Integration of Technical Education with Basic Education in the Education Modality for Youth and Adults [PROEJA] contributed to education of this public aiming at the insertion into the work world and the continuity of their studies? The analysis of this issue constituted the main goal of this investigation, the specific goals of which focused on: analyzing the historical process of technical education in Brazil; evaluate the contribution of the PROEJA Program to the formation of youth and adults, aiming at their insertion in the work world; and characterize the situation of the PROEJA of the IFCE – Iguatu Campus. The research was conducted through bibliographic and documental analyses which gave foundation for this study and took place in three specific stages: the first was a discussion with a brief historical trajectory of technical education in Brazil up to PROEJA. The second was an analysis of PROEJA – the conception and the regulatory guideline. The third had the goal of analyzing the expectations and possibilities of insertion of youth and adults in the work world and this contributed to a better comprehension and reflection about the main goal of the PROEJA program which is to offer a formation which qualifies for work and for raising the level of schooling.