Introduction: This research deals with the problem around the situation of the families impacted by the dams of the Panambi-Garabi Project, considering the contribution to the Latin American theological method of narrative through photography. Methodology: Bibliographical-conceptual and empirical research based on the photonarrative method. Throughout the research incursions in loco were made in the region of the Uruguay River, in riverside localities of the municipalities of Crissiumal and Novo Machado in Rio Grande do Sul, with the goal of gathering approximations regarding the perception directed toward certain problems coming from the social issue circumscribed to the social groups affected by the Panambi dam. The debate around the findings among researchers of the theory regarding the narrative through doing photography were fundamental for the construction of the argument of this dissertation. Results: The narrative methodology through photography circumscribes to the theological work an indispensable pedagogical instrument of approximation to the constituent elements of the situation of the social groups affected by the dams. These social groups, sociological types, learned through a comprehensive approximation, possess with their eco-system an existential and material relationship which is lived out consubstantially through the valorization of the material aspect (work) as well as of the symbolic (water and faith) from which they take evaluative-religious foundations for a phenomenic structuring of the regional culture. Through photo-narrative it was possible to gain access to certain religious-evaluative elements which confirm aspects of the activity of organized vigil through the apophantic logic, which, because of its oneiric origins, tends to profile lateralities to the corporal mechanics of the social subjects. The reflection regarding what I called pulsing fragmentarity is a circumscribed element of the vigilic subcontrarity, that is, the imagetic framings gain plasticity (positive) through subcontrarity (negative) in the phenomenic process, of which the individual is imbued in the participation thereof, that is to say, in the mundaneness (Weltlichkeit) the Being – with- the- Other elaborates its existence through fragments which un-veils and veils itself constantly. Conclusions: The photo-narrative methodologically constitutes an important step to be considered in the process of the dialogical elaboration of the researcher-participant confronted with the otherness, that is, who does not simply research the Other, rather, approaches comprehensively mediated by the world, which implies fragmentarily knowing the Other as well as oneself, since both are in the mundaneness. Knowing, in this sense is complemented by the organized narrative based on the photographic action, thus supplementing the theological method through the comprehension of the said by what was not said from the laterality imprinted on the corporeity of the individuals.