The present work relates to a search, case study carried out at the high school Heitor
Villa Lobos, located at Rua Theodulo Albuquerque Cabula VI, Salvador-BA. The
referred school is within Quilombos remaining area which privileges us with
educational issues. The objective of this work is to verify the perception of teachers
through new medias, identify the available resources at the school and the use
periodicity of same and a prompt report of participant observation. The modern world
brings with itself the need of constant updates in the manners of learning and
teaching. The new medias are examples of how fast changes have been occurring in
the contemporaneous era, bringing dozens of benefits to the educational area, as
well as demanding from the teacher development of skills for use of new and
available information and communications resources. This work aimed to understand
the influence of new technologies as source of resources for the teaching-learning
process. Among other aspects, the results of search indicate that educators are still
reluctant to the new educational methods, being lack of knowledge and unavailability
of new medias at schools the main factors for these professionals do not fit the new
model of teaching-learning process. It was verified that the majority of teachers have
more than 10 years of formation and were not prepared for this new society of
technology. By the results presented, we noticed that among the available medias
utilized at schools, Computer, internet, CD-Rom, DVD, Pen-drives, TV-pendrive are
featured, being internet the technology in feature on what relates to the importance
and utilization for searches and development pedagogic practices.