Teses, Dissertações e Trabalhos na EST: Recent submissions

  • Alvarez, Mauricio José Avilez; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1944256039891023 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2013-03-08)
    This thesis, Liberation Theology in the Colombian Armed Insurgency, analyzes the participation of the priest and theologian, Camilo Torre Restrepo and of a group of Christian theologians which gave continuity to his set ...
  • Cruz, Sharles Ribeiro da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8471921005148453 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-11)
    The investigation of the spiritual warfare movement, its beginning, early precursors, practices, and theology. Also the social, cultural and religious context, analysis of the interfaces of the religious, spiritual and ...
  • Blind, Sisi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0983164827890559 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2009-04-08)
    The silence and the daily space of the women actions are referentials of analysis in the understanding construction of the memory transmission and the religious identity of the groups of women of the Ordem Auxiliadora de ...
  • Santos, Mônica de Souza (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-02)
    The present work is an analysis of the present state of Neoliberalism seen in the light of Apocalypse Thirteen. In the first chapter, historical and sociological elements are sought, so that they might elucidate the ...
  • Karam, Joana Haar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0349547512121749 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-06-30)
    The purpose of this work is to present the possibilities that the music offers to promote health and balance of social relations in a school environment. The research begins with the concepts` definition of music and music ...
  • Silva, Jandaíra Fernandes da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4639452459961076 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-12)
    This dissertation aims to understand why the young do not like reading classical literature and elaborates an approach on the importance of reading for the liberation of human beings. In this way, the author brings back ...
  • Soares, Andreia Jordânia Martins (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-02)
    Brasília, the capital of Brazil, is located in the Midwest of the country, within the red lands of the Cerrado (savanah) of Goiás, and outstands other capitals because of its beautiful monuments, symbols of modern ...
  • Aguiar Neto, Francisco Carlos de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2036771974548346 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-05-07)
    Brazilian society is experiencing a new moment in education. The pedagogical processes that interact with the democratic prospects are increasingly gaining ground in educational resources that develop at this juncture. And ...
  • Franco, Maristela de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9847916654424016 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2009-03-09)
    Community radio stations have an important role in the communities in which they belong to. And aside from being an open channel expression for the local population, community radio stations allow periphery citizens, which ...
  • Sommer, Jonas (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2015-07-15)
    The Christian eschatological tradition finds its roots in ancient judeo-helenist conceptions of prophetic perspectives. The notion of the final day as the judgment of God on the life of the inhabited world is one of the ...
  • Brito, Eliete Barreto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0189949317577514 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-01)
    This dissertation presents contributions of pedagogical meetings (Formative Experiences) for the training of educators. It is a qualitative research which had written records as empirical source. The analysis of this ...
  • Cot, Marianela de La Paz; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6112814759381725 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2009-03-26)
    The main goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the communities researched in the Episcopal Church of Cuba (IEC) are not passive beings that receive the action of others (be they lay leaders or clerics) but are ...
  • Castro, Jarbiani Sucupira Alves de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9297240318160714 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2015-07-01)
    This paper analyzes the influence of the actions of the Projeto Cidade Criança (City Child Project) on the holistic development of children in social vulnerability. The referred project is carried out by the Assembly of ...
  • Menezes, Maria Vilma Eça; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5224568797515556 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-08-01)
    Considering the rates still expressive of illiteracy and educational exclusion of the overwhelming majority of the Brazilian population, and learning difficulties, this work aims to discuss the importance of contextuality ...
  • Silva, Severino Breda da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2706979294771860 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2009-03-02)
    This thesis analyzes, in a succinct way, the issue of the religious freedom of infancy and youth, mainly in relation to the existing conflict among Seventh Day Adventist and Jewish students, with regard to the biblical ...
  • Guimarães, Simone Furquim; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1833799247838428 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-01)
    Violence is a recurring theme in Brazilian society. Its roots go back to antiquity and its effects remain, today, noticeable in the daily life of many women around the world. It is known that in Brazil every 15 seconds and ...
  • Mansk, Erli; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1001967570689232 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2009-03-23)
    The ritualizing of life passages from the perspective of the liturgical practices of the Church is the subject of this dissertation. Rites of passage are present in every culture. They mark identical transitions in human ...
  • Silva, Elizabeth Marques da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7587979732296049 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2015-07-23)
    This paper presents a study related to the Biblical precept You shall not boil a kid in its mother s milk. described in Exodus 23:19; 34:26 and in Deuteronomy 14:21 in a theological, cultural and nutritional perspective. ...
  • Oliveira, Kathlen Luana de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9781713753333783 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2009-03-27)
    This research is a political approach to human rights in intersection with theology, in the rescue of the genesis of human rights as a historical construction, in the confrontation with violence and in the political ...
  • Färber, Sonia Sirtoli; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9210496383850598 (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-07-01)
    This work is a result of an exegetical and bibliographical research, made in the biblical area, which investigates the term paroikoj as a metaphor about the temporality of life. Paroikoj (paroikos) is a Greek word that ...

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