Observing the need for the presence of Religious Education in the school as a base
for the holistic formation of the human being, provoked in us a motivation for the
construction of this research which seeks, through a perspective of investigation
through a bibliographic study, to show the importance of the presence of Religious
Education. The main goal is to understand the current proposal of Religious
Education in the school and its importance for the holistic formation of the human
being. The historical and legal foundations of Religious Education in Brazil are
observed based on a brief panorama of the reading of texts of authors who dealt with
the evolution of the theme in the LDBEN and in the Brazilian constitutions from the
beginning of the Republic, where one can perceive the historical roots of this
intertwining of interests; after this we seek to understand the current proposal for
Religious Education based on the 1988 Constitution. The legislation proves and
presents the current situation of Religious Education in the public and lay space as
an optional discipline. This thesis also presents the results of a research of the map
of Religious Education in the State of Bahia. An analysis is made of the construction
of religious knowledge based on the PCNER (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do
Ensino Religioso [National Curricular Parameters of Religious Education]), making a
parallel of the life cycles with the cycles of education and, of the communal
interaction with diversity and new tendencies seeking to show that the school and
Religious Education can be a space of understanding and respect for the other. The
pedagogical and methodological foundations of Religious Education are also
analyzed in terms of curriculum, teacher training and praxis.