The present work “Social Function of the School: the Contribution of the School of Life Project”, deals with themes related to the school's challenge regarding the inte-gral formation of the person, in two schools of Novo Hamburgo and two schools of Sapiranga. The School of Life Project gives lectures in public schools on various topics, according to the need of each school context attended by the project. Based on the research design, the objective of this work was to investigate the extent to which the School's Social Function is met with the contribution of the School of Life Project. In addition, the present work lists a series of guiding questions of this investigation about the social function of the school and the impact of the School of Life Project on the daily lives of young people and adolescents. The first chapter of the paper addresses the issue of the School's Social Function. Data from the investigated schools dialog with the issue of the social function of the school today. In addition, the work reflects on the role of the family and the role of the school in the current conjuncture. The second chapter emphasizes the challenges of the school today and what is expected of a quality school and brings the dialog of authors with the data of the people questioned. In addition, it gives a brief account of how the relationship between Family and School was built based on the western colonizing mentality. The third chapter analyzes the impact that the School of Life Project has had on the Schools investigated. The theological dimension of the work is expressed in the School of Life Project itself. Besides the presentation of the data, it analyzes what form of Theology and Pedagogy can dialogue with this social action. The authors who gave most of the foundation for the work and the formulation of concepts are Yves de La Taille, Pedro Demo, Graciani, Roselane Costella, Dermeval Saviani and Acacia Kuenzer. Among the findings, the main one refers to the understanding, by the student body, that the preparation for the ENEM is not the main Social Function of the School, but the integral formation of the human being and their preparation for the world of work.