Repositório Faculdades EST: Recent submissions

  • Sena, Terezinha de Jesus Martins de; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-12-17)
    This research deals with School Religious Education and Inclusive Education and seeks to make an interface between these two important axes, focusing on Religious Education in the school context, since the Brazilian people ...
  • Marcon, João Luiz; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-12-12)
    Gospel and worship are themes that are not always related to each other in Christian communities. The relevant questions are: What does the gospel of Revelation 14.6-7 consist of? What is the meaning of worship there? How ...
  • Barbosa, Giorlando Laranjeira; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2020-01-10)
    In this research, with a bibliographic review, the objective is to present a multidisciplinary understanding of the development of moral conscience, observing its religious structure, in addition to the intrinsic point ...
  • Silveira, Hendrix Alessandro Anzorena; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-12-18)
    The present thesis aims to attribute meanings and purposes to the rituals of the Traditions of African Origin based on a theological reflection founded on an Afrocentric epistemology and the eshuneutic method; to establish ...
  • Cósta, Carolina Bitencourt da; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-13)
    This research analyzes the Cosplay scene and analyzes the concepts pertinent to religious language, such as myth and rite, characterizing the fundamental notions of religious experience. The goal of the investigation is ...
  • Graube, Tiago Ademir; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-13)
    The present work is a research about the insertion of the categories of Gender and Sexuality in the pedagogical approaches within the Evangelical Youth (JE), which is an organization for the work with adolescents and young ...
  • Sá, Rafael Voges de; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-10-23)
    The research investigates the relationship of body awareness with singing. By knowing our body dimensions, it is possible to have a better understanding of the body and become more sensitive to self-reflection. From this ...
  • Marinho, Igor Soares; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-22)
    The research starts from the general view as to the meaning of Public Theology, initially presenting exponents that precede its definition, passing through models and ways in which it can be characterized. The importance ...
  • Boldt, Vanderlei; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-19)
    This research has as its central theme the humanized care of hospitalized patients diagnosed with an incurable disease, and its general objective is to investigate, through literature review, how spirituality with people ...
  • Meira Junior, Isaac Malheiros; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-07-23)
    This dissertation intends to analyze, through bibliographic and exegetical research, the theological function of the allusions to the Day of Atonement in the argumentation in Hebrews, especially in its ceremonial/cultic ...
  • Santos, Odja Barros; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-09)
    Patriarchy has deep roots and the Popular and Feminist Reading is like the "ax" that seeks to identify and cut off those roots. The central argument of this Dissertation is that the community practice of Popular and Feminist ...
  • Souza, Jeane Machado; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-05)
    The ethical professional practice in civil construction is done in compliance with the laws, in the commitment to sustainable development, through care for the environment, through the rational use of natural resources and ...
  • Carneiro, Ivanna Kathia Barbosa de Sousa; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-05)
    The theme of the research is the Conduct Adjustment Term – CAT (TAC) – as an instrument of negotiation in conflicts of administrative nature, in the realm of the federal executive power. The sociability attributed to the ...
  • Carvalho, Mariana Ferreira Alves de; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2017-10-02)
    The present study deals with the sexual and reproductive rights and health which are concepts recently elaborated and represent a historic conquest, fruit of the struggle for citizenship and for human and environmental ...
  • Schmidt, Carina Inês; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-07-18)
    With the increasing number of people leaving their communities in search of new proposals, the church needs questioning. This implies pointing out the deficiency that communities feel in the ministry of visitation. In this ...
  • Rodrigues, Vagner de Souza; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-08-14)
    The present work “Social Function of the School: the Contribution of the School of Life Project”, deals with themes related to the school's challenge regarding the inte-gral formation of the person, in two schools of Novo ...
  • Almeida, Murillo Augusto Torres; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-07-17)
    The goal of this paper is to present a scientific, technical and contextual approach about humanized care for patients in public hospitals, having as a starting point the bioethical and spiritual issues which surround the ...
  • Santos, Patricia Saar; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-05-17)
    This bibliographic research studies the role of the school manager in dealing with their daily, pedagogical and administrative work. It is described here how the proper incorporation of ethics in school management, instigating ...
  • Silva, Laura Franch Schmidt da; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 1999-05-12)
    This work is an analysis of Brazilian Nursery Folk Songs aiming to discover the presence of the sacred in their texts. In the first part the elements of the following conjunctive concepts are examined: the Religious ...
  • Kronbauer, Selenir Correa Gonçalves; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2005-02-24)
    This research work analyzes the educational paths of the Black community and the Lutheran German immigrants, particularly at the Lutheran schools in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Besides the bibliographic research, the ...