In the present work, there is research about the human being from three perspectives: Neuroscience, Psychology and Theology deepening the understanding of the human being in its entirety, with its different dimensions and subjective issues. I present the concepts of stress and depression and their actions on human health. The third chapter deals with the theme of resilience, concepts, history, protective factors. It follows with the story of resilience of a woman from the Bible and a contemporary woman. In the last chapter I present some ways of caring for the human being, an approach to the functioning of the autonomic nervous system from neuroscience. I describe the origin and appearance of the TRE body technique - stress reduction technique, developed by psychotherapist David Berceli. An efficient and safe therapeutic tool for self-regulation of the nervous system, promoting human resilience and balance in the face of situations of stress, tension and chronic pain. I suggest that the diaconal church, the one that cares, can work with techniques like these, in addition to therapeutic liturgies with the exploration of human senses, leading to integral care focusing on corporeality, an aspect neglected by the dualistic vision of the human being.