This is a bibliographic, qualitative and documental study about the educational actions developed by the Projeto Arte Criança [Child Art Project] of social inclusion of children and adolescents of the municipality of Iguatu-CE. In the first chapter a retrospective is made of the legal aspects of social inclusion in Brazil, especially of children and adolescents. A brief history of childhood in Brazil is presented, highlighting the vulnerabilities of the process of social inclusion of this group. Special attention is given to the situation of children in the state of Ceará. In the second chapter the theoretical and theological aspects of social inclusion and exclusion are presented. A comparative analysis between inclusion and exclusion is made, presenting their theoretical aspects, after which the theological perspectives of social inclusion are presented. In the third chapter the Projeto Arte Criança is presented, along with its history, its actions and the results obtained through its interventions, as well as an evaluative topic of the project. The Projeto Arte Criança emerged from an experience of the artists Cleodon de Oliveira and Nonato de Moura, in a Vacation Camp entitled “Programa Recreio,” [Recreation Program] at the State School of Fundamental and Secondary Education “Filgueiras Lima”, located in the Veneza neighborhood in Iguatu-CE. At that moment, folcloric dance workshops were carried out. The activities continued in the Nucleus of the FEBEMCE Projeto Iguatu (Fundação Estadual do Bem-Estar do Menor [State Foundation for the Well Being of the Minor]), with activites of actor and puppet theaters. The great importance and relevance which the initiative of the two artists and friends took on was perceived in the sense of promoting Art and Education in the municipality of Iguatu. There were innumerable moments of threats to discontinue the PAC due to the jolts in the economic and political scenario at the national, state and local levels. During all of its existence the PAC and its actions felt deeply the lack of financial, material and human resources. The goal of this paper is to get to know the educational actions developed by the Projeto Arte Criança for the social inclusion of children and adolescents of the municipality of Iguatu-CE.