The discussions about feminism have been object of not too recent discussions in the history of the movements struggling for women’s rights, since they date back to the middle of the 19th century. At the same time studies and research referring to the theme are more current since they begin with the emergence of the feminist movement with the process of systematizing feminist theology. Even more recent are the studies carried out based on the perspective of the black feminist theology as a way of complementing and unifying both theologies attending to the demands and needs of specific categories, women and black women. In this sense we understand that the importance of carrying out research involving the theme is justified due to the need of greater knowledge and sharing of knowledges among the various areas as well as the need to make the results of these studies reach the people bringing theology to the spaces of construction of knowledge and reconstruction of ideas and ways of seeing the issues which involve women. The goal of this research is to give visibility to the life story of Auta Rosa, a person of the popular religiosity of the city of Amarante, in the interior of the state of Piauí, and her life experiences, death and devotion, thus favoring the exercise of approximation between the field of theological knowledge and the manifestations of popular religiosity which occurred around her when, after her death, she was considered a person of the popular religiosity, in order to understand in what way her story is articulated with feminist theology and with black feminist theology. It is a bibliographic, phenomenological and at the same time qualitative research since it seeks the comprehension of the religious devotion toward the main character based on ethnographic reports and on oral tradition. The data analysis took place based on feminist methodology which seeks, among other things, the ressignification of life stories as a way to understand and desconstruct stereoptyped patterns thus giving greater visibility to forgotten persons throughout the history of a people, a culture or an ethnicity.