This article is within the research line “Dimensions of Caregiving and Social Practices” and has as its theme the New Communities. It deals with these communities as a phenomenon of the Catholic Church in the present, having as its central theoretical foundation the theology of the last three Popes of the Catholic Church – John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis. The goal of the study was to analyze the pastoral action under the manifestation of caregiving in these groups of Life and of Covenant of the Archdiocese of Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul, MS, Brazil), of their fruits and their own challenges with the local ecclesial communion. This investigative interest was constituted when confronted with the assertion of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, who described these communities as gifts to flower the desert of humanity. With attention toward caregiving which strongly characterizes the Christian Church, specific historical aspects of caregiving and social practices carried out through its history were dealt with, having as starting point the biblical narratives and the reports of the experiences of the Christian communities of the emerging Church. In the study, a survey of information tied to the theme which traversed the historic period of the Patristics, passed through the Medieval and Modern World and continues to the current moment was carried out. Finally, the pastoral action of the local Church was dealt with. Thus, the unique characteristic of this research was to highlight the pastoral practice carried out by the emerging New Communities which are located in the Archdiocese of Campo Grande, MS.