This research paper was constructed with the intent of reflectively analyzing the theoretical bases related to the early interruption of a pregnancy due to the finding of anencephaly of the fetus. The condition is a gestational anomaly determined by a multifactorial etiology through which the fetus does not totally develop the encephalic mass nor, in almost all cases, the cranial bone structure. It also defines the purpose of the screening aimed at the study and analysis of the teratological phenomenon of the object thus seeking to get to know its nature, dimension and epistemological relations. In sum, it intends to increase the level of knowledge about the referred phenomenon to offer the academic world contributions with the goal of adding to the scientific progress of humanity. Written with terms and expressions which make up the concluding phase, the work is of an essay nature and is presented in three chapters or parts. The first discourses about teratology centering its study on the medical area. The second chapter deals with legal aspects, bioethical understanding and a differential study of other pathologies. Bibliographic research reports the legitimacy of the legal decision which authorizes the medical intervention. The third part studies the early interruption of the pregnancy aimed at the understanding of theological and religious precepts. It is formed by three articulations which support the religious view pertaining to morality and life as creation of God as well as provisions in the Holy Bible. In its conclusion, the author affirms finding elements of relevant value tied to the moral and legal fields, enriching the work with the knowledge gathered from the medical science. Within the theological and religious domain, we see the word of God condemning homicide as well as the position of various religions. To be pointed out here is that the Catholic Church is the only one to oppose itself decisively to the therapeutic anticipation of the birth in cases of anencephaly.