This dissertation concern about the desirable mithic and archetypical rebirth of the
educational partner and the transformation of the modern structure of instituituinal
meeting. The work have complex aproach, is relating and subordinating to the Biology,
the deep Psychology, the Theology and the Education one another. In the Maturana s
biology, the concept of living system, that would be as much the educational partner as
the Class. In jung psychology, the concepto ok Individuation, as the project of rebirth. In
the archaic greek mithology, the example of all the actions in the homeric and hesiodic
myths, attentively in the rebirth myths. In Education, a reading of Rubem Alves, in an
utopian and humanistic proposal, that conglobate and move nearer in intrinsic form the
biologic, psycological and religious contents, that are the surfaces of the postmodern