114 p. -- Conteúdo: The AIDS pandemic and the vulnerability of God / Wanda Deifelt. -- A reading of the Latin American theological reflections on HIV / Guillermo Hansen. -- Damage Reduction and theology – being a protagonist in new ways of seeing life and care in the light of the HIV/AIDS epidemic / Claudio Roberto König. -- Care in pastoral assistance to HIV/AIDS patients / Walter Hoppe. -- Jonah, negative! and very exclusive! / Sergio A. López. -- A vulnerable woman made visible by Jesus / María Lis Rivoira. -- The “Western God” and the legitimation and reproduction of stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS / Andrés Alba Grace as the form of the church on the basis of Saint Thomas Aquinas’ thought. An ecclesiology for contexts of stigma, stigmatization and discrimination involving HIV and AIDS / Vicente Valenzuela Osorio. -- God’s liberating political affection and the complex world of AIDS / Víctor Manuel Mendoza. -- The theological touch of Jesus and the woman with the flow of blood / Rosa María López Pérez. -- Empowerment of women and ecclesial action: approach to a response to HIV and AIDS in the Colombian context / Fabián Wilches García. -- I keep on fighting, full of rebelliousness and life / Sergio Ugalde Miranda.