In the sixties, a movement known as Charismatic Renewal erupted within North American mainline denominations. This movement spread quickly throughout the world. As it extolled the charisms and the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, the movement reached the Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) in the early seventies. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the charismatic renewal movement within orthodox confessional Lutheranism (IELB), in regard to both its historical and theological dimensions and its influences. We will address the establishment and development of confessional Lutheranism and the Pentecostal movement in Brazil, seek to understand what their relationship is and put into context the IELB’s reception of the charismatic movement, analyze the influences under which this process takes place, and examine the split between the IELB and the movement. We will also analyze the theology of the movement and identify how it departed from the IELB’s theological positions, and put forth the reasons why the movement could no longer remain in the IELB.