The main goal of this research is to analyze the impact of the actions of the Programa Institucional Permanência (PIP) [Institutional Permanence Program] on school dropout rates of scholarship students in the year of 2014. The methodology is based on bibliographic and documental review, besides observation of the reality, as a professional in the educational area. The study was carried out at the Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido (UFERSA) [Federal Rural University of Semiárido]–Caraúbas campus being made up of the analysis of the various theoretical issues involved with the permanence of the student at the University, the historical context of the campus, actions implemented to combat school evasion and an analysis of the efficacy of the PIP. For this we dealt with the expansion of public higher learning in Brazil with its barriers and possibilities, the problematic of school evasion and the school failure and the student assistance policies which aim at the permanence of the student in the learning institution. The results show that the causes of school dropout is the sum of various factors, in detriment to the hypothesis of the individualization of the guilt, be that of the student, of the family, of the university or of the economic, social, political and cultural system. We conclude that it is still not possible to affirm that the PIP resulted in the reduction of the levels of school dropout or the increase of the permanence of the students in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability since the implantation of the PIP is very recent in the student assistance program of the UFERSA –Caraúbas campus and due to the fact that the regulated actions of the PIP have not been put into effect in their totality.