The goal of this study is to analyze the profile of the administrator in the school environment, initiated by the democratic administration from the perspective of involvement in collective action. The theoretical referential deals with the historical context of school organization as of the LDB [Law] 5.692/71 and the LDB 9.394/96, and continues with an analysis of the referred happenings and proposals. It presents notes on the Constitution of 1988 and a vision of the traditional school in which the professor was considered the one who had the knowledge. It also deals with the organization of the school space and its contribution to the formation of the individual concerning itself with their insertion in the social environment. It makes reference to the Pedagogical Political Project as a part of the democratic administration and the effective participation of those involved in carrying out this process, besides pointing out the facilitating and the impeding points encountered in the implementation of a democratic administration in the schools verifying how the new administrators are seen from the perspective of the teaching staff in the realization of the shared work after the consolidation of this process. The research seeks to understand the evolution in the change of nomenclature from director to administrator or manager, conceptualizing this role toward a more humanizing action, without forgetting the practices in light of the laws which rule education. The approach used for carrying out this research is of a quantitative/qualitative nature. Thus, various renowned authors were researched such as: Naura S. Carapeto Ferreira; José Carlos Libâneo and Heloísa Lück. We conclude that one of the important points is the quest to clarify the points in common between administration and leadership in a team both individual as well as collective.