The study presents a panorama of the history of Religious Teaching in Brazil, starting
from a bibliographical research and from a research in documents of the Regional
Office of Education of Guará II, Brasília, Federal District, which specifically approach
the Religious Teaching for students of the last grades of primary school. The study
portrays the Religious Teaching in the new Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação
Nacional [Law of Guidelines and Bases of the National Education] (LDBEN),
identifying in the analysis the need of execution of the article 33 in practice of
Religious Teaching, trying to handle with the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais
[National Curricular Parameters] (PCNs) of Religious Teaching, considering in its
exercise the respect to cultural diversity in classroom, the human development and
the formation of values in the individual and the phases that everyone passes until he
or she arrives in a level of moral maturity. The study approaches the definition of
values and the way as these values can be treated in the discipline of Religious
Teaching in school context, having as base the four pillars of Education presented in
the UNESCO s report. The study probes to reach the reality of students of the last
grades of primary school of Guará II, in Brasília, Federal district. It concludes that it is
possible to affirm that the education of values is present, even if implicit, in the
respective discipline.