The research object of this thesis is the Office as a therapeutic setting: the transference within the action of the ecclesiastical counselor. The proposed challenge is to think about the transfer between the counseled and the ecclesiastical counselor as this relates to the quest for support and affection within Pastoral Counseling, and the action which can contribute or generate emotional and somatic crisis in borderline situations of desire, hate and similar things. With this work we seek a better comprehension of the issue of transference through a vast bibliographic analysis which seeks the encounter of psychoanalysis, the subject and theology, as well as with authors who confront ideas. In this way we seek to perceive the paths and challenges which Pastoral Counseling has with regard to transference and its forms of manifestation. The challenge of comprehension of the sacred and the profane, the taboos within the church, the various forms of holiness constructed throughout history and with centuries of biblical interpretations of negation of sexuality. The first chapter presents psychoanalysis and spirituality, its conflicts throughout time, what they can teach us together and separately. What are the religious prejudices with regard to psychoanalysis and what are the psychoanalytic prejudices with regard to the religious. Thus, there will be a description of how it is to enter in contact with this reality – perceive that there are noises in the pastoral transference and that the church does not know how nor is it prepared to work issues without condemning the persons involved. In the second moment we seek the psychoanalytic comprehension of the drive and of transdisciplinarity, what are the contributions that can come from this encounter. The attempt to have a different view through other views is something which contributes to the enrichment of the various academic chairs in favor of the human being. With relation to the concept a study is carried out about the definition, history and diagnostic in order to understand this theme which has not been much explored. After, we deal with the issue of the platforms of knowledge in society and make “madness for men” clear as a feature among the other two platforms of knowledge which confront their philosophic and theoretical foundations. Naturally when confronting years of history and education the feelings and crises which involve these platforms and their philosophical foundations remit to a position and a direction which needs to be taken, which involves commitment and elaboration of values. Finally, the issue of care giving is presented. The purpose of the second chapter is to establish a tripod which will be necessary for the sequence of the research. Psychoanalysis can be a referential for support in borderline cases between counselor and counseled, the prejudices and sophisms which are dealt with throughout the research challenge the direction which the church is looking toward. The intention of the research is to raise a relevant theme for our time in the religious scenario and seek to reflect on the bases of the current church and on which bases this church is supported in a scenario of pluralism and charismatic spiritualism which remits to religious confrontations in their sexual conflicts which come from the subconscious and take the form of desires and impulses which are called malignant actions and intentions of evil.