An hermeneutic interpretative research in wesleyan heritage texts, with
emphasis on the concept of "knowledge and vital piety", considering the practices of
School and Universitary Pastoral Ministry, in the Methodist education instituition. This
research is developed in three complementary moments. There is a John Wesley s
historical and theological rescue in the first chapter, in his education emphasis.
Followed by an analysis in the School and Universitary Pastoral Ministry regimental
statements, it functions, with an interpretative reading crossing the wesleyan
heritage, and daily practices of Pastoral on methodist education instituition. Also
considering other main documents for education an methodism than "Diretrizes para
a Educacao na Igreja Metodista", as "Plano para a Vida e Missao da Igreja
Metodista" and "Credo Social". In the last chapter an interpretation combine wesleyan
theological and historical tradition, and School and Universitary Pastoral Ministry
function and practices, challenges, doubts and possibilities. Third chapter evaluate
some indications toward a theology of education settling for further researches. In
this history, theological and practice combined, conclusions build ideas to challenge
knowledge construction to answer and be helpfull for Methodist Church Mission
practices through it education instituition with wesleyan heritage, and Methodist
educational efforts in the Mission perspective.