The goal of the paper is to analyze the curricular components of elementary education in
leading to Integrated Education. Considering the offer of diversified activities and identifying
to what measure this curriculum includes the multiple dimensions which involve human
formation. The goal is to identify how the school develops Integrated Education involving
various spaces, times and educational actors, favoring the improvement of teaching and
learning. For this a trajectory through the history of Integrated Education in Brazil is carried
out, recovering proposals for public education based on concepts of the educator Anísio
Teixeira, passing also through some experiences of full time schools that were implemented
in the country as of the decade of the 1950 s. Currently Brazil is going through a context of
educational reforms which began with the World Conference on Education for All, carried out
in Thailand, in 1990 which resulted in the World Declaration of Education for All. Shortly
afterward, the Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education (LDB), (Law n.
9.394/96), emerges regarding Elementary Education, which prescribes the implementation of
full time education, highlighting the extending of the time period, that is, full time schools.
Also in the perspective of increasing school time, the National Education Plan (PNE), (Law n.
10.172/01), detailed the offer of Integrated Education through the establishment of goals and
above all based on the Development of Education Plan (PDE) (Decree n. 6.094/07), which, in
its turn, instituted the More Education Program (Interministerial Normative Bylaw n. 17/07).
Therefore, this is about a strategy of the Federal Government to promote the increase of
school time and the curricular organization of Integrated Education. To carry out this study,
the methodology used is made up of two instruments: bibliographic survey and documental
research and observation of school routine. Through these instruments legal and normative
aspects of the educational legislation, official documents of the State Department of
Education of Piauí (SEDUC-PI) and of the Ministry of Education (MEC) were analyzed. The
bibliographic study and the analysis of the official documents permitted the conclusion that
the history of Integrated Education in Brazil was always marked by a characteristic of
discontinuity, due to lack of effective public policies and also that the official discourse
emphasizes the inclusion of different educational actors as well as the intention of extending
the school spaces and time. This constitutes possibilities for new learning and for the exercise
of citizenship in a society marked by inequality.