The present study has the objective of understanding the perception of being
black amongst students who dlecare themselves so in order to have acces to
undergraduate studies as beneficiaries of political affirmative actions in the
University-For-All Program (PROUNI). The research was done with students who
attend the Methodist University Center through the observation of their academic
activities and individual interviews done in the Institution. Concepts such as race,
racism and identity guided the theoretical framework of the research. and the notion
of social representations operationalized the interpretation of the students
This research indicates that even being classified as a member of an only
black color/race community, the individuals notice their ethnic-racial identity diversely.
That becomes evident when they have to criate narratives to explain their identity.
Moreover, the socialization processes to which the individuals are submitted in
different moments of their lives through the objective reality may modify the
perception of their identity.