This study analyzes the sociointeractionist theory and its contributions to inclusive
education, aiming at finding ways to, in the future, construct the design of a
methodological work proposal which is inclusive and which has as its presupposition
the interaction between people, according to what the sociointeractionist theory
prescribes. To carry out this study, we opted to use bibliographic and documental
research in books and online, which refer to inclusion and the sociointeractionist
theory. For didactical ends, the work was divided into chapters according to the
theme that was debated. Initially, (the first chapter) it was necessary to deal with the
deficiencies, their different modalities, the global developmental disorders and the
high abilities, which represent the characterizations of the students with special
needs, and which, because of this are the target public of specialized educational
services, for which inclusion is also fomented. In this approach, conceptualizations,
causes and forms of adequate pedagogical services were presented. In sequence
(second chapter), the standardization of school inclusion is presented having as a
base the international documents which created paths for inclusion, as well as those
which present current guidelines for adequate inclusive action. Reference is made to
the official documents which nationally regiment the orientations coming from the
international documents, as well as referring to the different legislations which define
inclusion. In the third chapter the sociointeractionist theory and inclusion are
presented; in the first place the conceptualization of inclusion and following an
approximation between learning and social interaction is carried out, to finally
discourse about inclusion based on the sociointeractionist theory. The work ends with
some considerations which are supported by experiences from professional practice
and the proposal of inclusion.