Defining as hybrid and intrinsic to the post-modernity the question of the current theological-musical speech practiced in the Independent Presbyterian Church of Botucatu IPCBOT, besides being essential to this comprehension, it becomes plausible when revealed to the musical reality in the churches and the theological ways that surround the liturgy in the Christian cult space. As an heiress of the reformation during the XVI century, and in Brazil, consequence of the North-American Presbyterian missions, the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPCB) obtained its own identity in 1903, when a schism divided the Presbyterian Church (PC), originating the IPCB. At the first chapter, it is delineated the history of the IPCB and its liturgical structure, as well as the musical groups currently acting in this church. At the second chapter it was aimed to understand the mainly concepts that guide the defense of the hybridism process present in the theological-musical imaginary construction in the IPIBOT. At the third chapter it was developed a brief panorama of the theological and musical movements, which supported by the ideal dialogue of the church with the culture and social reality of the country, culminated in the current liturgical reality of the church, the intimacy with the reformed Presbyterian identity and the gospel culture. At the fourth and last chapter, it was approached, analyzing the theological-musical speech, the possibility of the imaginary that these days confers identity to the IPCBOT as a hybridism result, by the tripartite analysis of the musical work, methodologically supported on the musical semiology propose of Jacques Nattiez and Jean Molino. In this respect, based on the theological-musical speech, it is expected that this research contributes for the reflection of the music mission in a cult as a space of multiple facets, former of this imaginary and the transformations via the theological renovation, inquiring the possibilities and limits for a Brazilian liturgical improvement, inside and outside the reformed churches.