Strelhow, Thyeles Moratti Precilio Borcarte;
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) makes up a broad and complex universe with
difficulties related to the areas of behavior, of social interaction and of communication.
The lack of a biological marker demands that the diagnostic take place through clinical
observation and, in most cases, it presents a challenge to the professionals responsible
for making the diagnosis. The most common treatment approaches are: Treatment and
Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Applied
Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), based
on behaviorist theories. These programs are related to the development of routines, of
skills for daily use and of communication strategies. In the context of the family, the
disorder demands a reorganization and planning around the care of the person with
ASD. Confronted with this reality the discussion of human dignity is set as a necessary
reflection and mainly related to human rights which are constituted as concrete. Thus,
the constitution of human dignity as imago Dei is established in the relation of the
human being with the Creator, with the human and with all of creation. In the area of
human rights, historically constituted, it is also possible to discuss human dignity as a
constitutive process of the human being through communal interaction, through
otherness, through recognition and participation which aims at the visibility of the
people in their specific characteristics. This form of understanding human dignity seeks
to situate it beyond a mere prop and aims at truly contributing to the advancement of
practices in public policies. In this way it becomes possible for the rights related to the
socio-educational treatment of persons with ASD to be transformed into real actions.
Thus, understanding the analysis of the content of the interviews carried out with family
members of persons with ASD, it becomes evident that issues such as: adequate socioeducational
treatment; capacitated and willing professionals for care; and effective
public policies constitute essential elements pointed out by the family members for the
daily development of the person with ASD.