This paper carries out an analysis of the contribution of the process of teachinglearning
in the development of the students within the Instituto Federal de Educação,
Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE) [Federal Institute of Education, Science and
Technology of Ceará] Umirim campus. The first part of the paper deals with some
concepts related to the theme studied, including constructivist learning and human
development in the social interactional perspective, making a relation between
human development and the process of learning-teaching. These concepts help to
perceive that there exists quite an intrinsic relation between the school environment
and the teaching learning process and that this relation contributes significantly to the
human development of youth who interact in the school space through the studentprofessor
relation. The second part deals with the trajectory of Brazilian professional
education and the creation of the Federal Institutes, giving emphasis to the concepts
of inclusive education, full time schooling and integrated courses, as well as telling
some of the story of the boarding school system in Brazil and how these types of
education work within the environment of the IFCE Umirim campus. Although
inserted in this context, this institution, specifically, has its origin as an Agricultural
School belonging to the Crato campus and only in 2012 does it become a campus
tied only to the IFCE, with full time classes and with a boarding school system,
attending a clientele of which a great majority comes from the rural area of Vale do
Curu and of Aracatiraçu. The third part refers to the characterization of the institution
researched: its origin and how the integrated agricultural technical program works, its
curricular matrix and a brief analysis of the learning indicators. There is a perception
of high indexes of evasion and of school retention in the program researched during
the period of three years in which the students remain in the school environment. The
fourth and last part refers to the analysis of the field research which was carried out
in a qualitative and quantitative way, being that this research integrated semistructured
questionnaires and interviews in its context. Finally, the conclusion of the
paper focuses on the school which attends to the needs of the worker s child, while
one perceives that, although there is attention given to the demands of the needs of
this layer of the population, there still lack better results, mainly in the guarantee of
permanence with success in learning in the school space and in a special way, in this
program, aimed at the qualification of the agricultural workers, an area lacking in
professionals in the region of the Vale do Curu and of Aracatiaçu.