The present dissertation with the subject the Feeling of Guilt as Resulted of the
Trespasses Human beings looked for to understand the guilt, its origin and
consequences. The General Objective was to understand the mechanism of the
feeling of guilt in all the sectors of the life of the human being, as well as the
importance of the release of this feeling for its physical, psychological well-being
and spiritual. Amongst the specific objectives they are: To appraise guilt through
the different looks of sciences; To analyze the guilt in the religious perspective;
To inquire the guilt in the Christian Theology. The searched problem was: What
it takes the human being to develop the feeling of Guilt? To answer to the
problem it was formulated following hypothesis: The guilt feeling happens of the
responsibility given to the person for an act that provoked material damage,
moral or spiritual same itself or others it. The present research was developed
through the bibliographical method where if it looked for, on the basis of the
bibliography to the itemize end, to make a revision on the subject blames, as
well as its relation with psychology, philosophy, sociology and theology. In this
last one, it was analyzed conscience of guilt and its relation with the sin that it
reflects in the moral dimension of acting of the human being. The human being
is felt guilty and looks the repentance as form to control its future, but hostage
of this feeling remains in a constant anguish. The guilt receives different
interpretations when analyzed by the Psychoanalysis, Psychology,
Anthropology and Sociology. In the religious perspective one observes that the
guilt enters and sin does not have a clear distinction between these feelings,
between that profess the Christianity. One perceives that it has a binomial
sin/guilt and pardon, and that the disobedience to the laws of God, causes a
anguish that makes the individual if to become more distant of itself and of
those to itsaround. In the too much religions the guilt appears of different
appearances, however, always has the opinion of that the clarification of the
man how much its internal or external trespasses can provide a bigger
understanding of proper it, of its psyche and the search of alternatives so that
its virtues can be perfected. The price of the sins must be paid to have the
pardon of God and in the day of the Judgment the sins already to be paid for
the blood of Jesus, therefore when being pardoned, the people will have its sins
forgotten for God. The pardon alone will occur when the individual to remember
that proper it is sinfuland needs the pardon the holy ghost (Rm 3: 23), therefore
in the case of the Christian, God already liberated it pardon at the moment of its
conversion and from then on it is learned that if God in pardons them, we must
pardon who in much less must them in comparison what we cause the Jesus.