This paper aims at granting knowledge about the level of organization and the
autonomy of the elderly person and raise awareness of the elderly person and of society,
through diverse movements, to construct citizenship and carry out and apply the public
policies of social nature. The work is composed of three basic and essential chapters. In
the first chapter it highlights a reflection about Citizenship, Social Organization,
Autonomy and Participation seen as challenges for the aging. It seeks to recover
conceptual and historical aspects of Citizenship, Social Policies such as social
assistance, in the process of the construction of Citizenship. In the second chapter it
seeks to highlight the importance of getting to know the legislation in order to apply it
to contribute to the well being of the population made up of elderly people. Highlighted
throughout the chapter are the facts and stories which have taken place during the
process of debates, elaboration and normatization of the current laws, besides the
presentation of the main advances in urban mobility policies and the placement of the
public space as an integral part of the so called social function in the life of the elderly
person in their natural process of constantly coming and going. The third chapter
presents the history of the Municipality of Cariacica, with its own characteristics. It
gives a presentation of the social data and indicators of the municipality; the virtues and
challenges of its urban development, highlighting the territorial organization plan and
culminating with the presentation of projects such as: The Live Sidewalk and the
Shoreline of Cariacica.