This is a proposition for an action from a faith perspective in relation to the prevention
of the improper use of drugs during adolescence and to the importance of the
involvement of the Christian church in favor of social actions as a social network and
a space of great influence in the families. The study works with theoretical
bibliographical research, from which a dialog was established based on the data from
the VI National Survey About the Consumption of Psychotropic Drugs among
Students of Grade School and Middle Education of the Public and Private Teaching
Networks in the 27 Brazilian Capitals of 2010. Following this it analyzes the data of
the city of Campo Grande/MS, from the above mentioned study, which highlighted
that it is in adolescence where the first use of drugs occurs. In this first part, some
concepts about adolescence as a phase of discovery and physical and emotional
changes are presented, indicating what are the types of drugs in existence, as well
as which ones are preferred during this age bracket. In the second part, the study
points to the role of the State and of civil society, the role of the family and of the
church as part of the social network and their respective responsibilities with regard
to the prevention of improper use of drugs in adolescence. The third and last part
brings, yet, a dialog about the role of the church in a faith and love perspective
emphasizing the actions of Jesus and, consequently, a proposal for social action to
be carried out in the Christian churches. During the production of this paper, an
exchange was established with legislations, psychology authors, social services and