This paper deals with the situation of chemically dependent adolescents in the
municipality of Santarém in the state of Pará, observing the institutional
indicators pointed out by the Centro de Atendimento Psicossocial Álcool e
Drogas- CAPS Ad (Center for Psychosocial Services Alcohol and Drugs) and
the Centro Socioeducativo do Baixo Amazonas-CESEBA (Socio-educational
Center of Lower Amazonas), as to the cases of registered addicted
adolescents and dialogs with the proposal of the existing Public Policies in
Brazil for confronting this problem, in the perspective of evaluating their
effectiveness in guaranteeing the right to the promotion of mental health for the
adolescent who is making improper use of drugs, as these policies relate to the
implantation, effectuation and improvement of programs, actions and activities
which assure the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and social reinsertion of
these adolescents.