This professional Master s dissertation deals with the following theme: the social
doctrine in the Brazilian Methodist Church based in the Second Ecclesiastical Region.
The research theme was confined within a bibliographic and historical cropping of the
episcopal reports to the Councils of the Second Ecclesiastical Region, in the period of
1990 to 2011. An attempt was made to analyze these documents in the light of the
Methodist theology of John Wesley, which focuses on the fact that the Gospel does not
communicate itself only through words writings, sermons and studies. The word
(written and spoken) must be accompanied by actions (to act). To ally word with action
is the challenge before the Methodist people. Keeping the theoretical presuppositions of
the social doctrine in Methodism in mind, one tried to offer some conclusions, within
which we highlight: the emerging of manifestations of inconformity with the church s
accommodation and with the incoherence of the leaders with regard to the teachings of
Wesley during the period of the military dictatorship (1964-1985). This movement led
to the formulation of orientation documents for the church such as the Social Creed, the
Quadrennial Plans and the Plan for the Life and the Mission of the Church. As of the
1990 s one is able to see the gradual neglect of this essential aspect of Methodism
which is the commitment to the social. The bishops position is manifested in the
theoretical part of their reports as well as in the emphases on missionary actions which
do not reveal the inclusion of the commitment to the social issues. In the end, but not
the least, we point out the challenge of recovering the Methodist theology which allies
evangelistic action with social action, besides the practical and congregational
experience of the theme which orients Brazilian Methodism: Church missionary
congregation at the service of the people.