The continued formation of the teachers alphabetizers: a research-action presented the
characteristics of the construction of the knowledge on the process teach-learning and
personal and Professional development of teachers. This dissertation contains elements
of the research-action, since the interventions and mediations had occurred during the
project, in such a way that the knowledge had collectively been constructed between all
the researchers participants. In these conditions, I objectified to analyze the
contributions of the narrative experiences in the formation process and autofomation
constructed collectively, describing the relations established between theory and
practice literacy. In this direction, the adoption theoretical references went by among
others, for Freire, Nóvoa and Josso. The collection of data consisted of verbal and
writings stories, as well as of the comments in the place. The research presents resulted
that they emphasize the main contributions of the formation in the school space, to find
out: the stories/registers/narratives had transformed into tool of reflection-action for the
group; most of the teachers have already gotten making the theory-practice relation of
the subjects and experiences in classroom; in the group already if detached a significant
number of alphabetizes that they told on its practice and they collated each other; the
formation clear up the teacher, offering means, ways to organize itself around the four
pillars of the learning: to learn to know, to learn to make, to learn to be and to learn to
live together and to make clear the construction of the alphabetizer identity, taking on
collectively the control of its own practice. These results indicate that the use of the
narratives in the continued formation is positive and that its continuity does for that the
remaining traditional conceptions and the practices of teaching permeated for
conservatives paradigms will be overcome gradually.