The last 30 years were marked by the emergence of the largest epidemic humanity has known: a deadly virus that causes millions of deaths in ali parts of the world, but at the same time everyone brought a moment of reflection and analysis of attitudes and behavior. beyond the prejudice and stigma caused by its signs and symptoms. At the beginning of the epidemic many sectors of society have their manifestations. unfortunately most established brands that time can not erase. AIDS was defined as a disease of drug addicts. homosexuals, prostitutes and immigrants, and that people were and are still marked with this social stigma. Virtually every city in the country are carrying the virus among its inhabitants. From 1980 to June 2011. in Brazil. 608.230 cases were reported with AIDS. The city of São Leopoldo-RS is no different, and in recent years remains among the 10 cities with a gaúcho largest number of AIDS cases. This local reality we find a general hospital in which it operates a group of religious believers who daily visit inpatient counseling. taking the word of understanding and love of neighbor. Of this group, 23 members participated in a survey about the AIDS epidemic. addressing issues such as: what they think. how they view as their church operates on the issue of HIV / AIDS. Respondents are representative of the Catholic Church, Lutheran. Pentecostal. Assembly of God and God is love. Over the answers we can see that time has stood still, as they thought the beginning of the epidemic and death. sin, guilt, stigma and prejudice are alive and in the early onset cases and religious world on this issue.