This dissertation brings to focus of analysis the pedagogical praxis of teachers of
technical and technological courses in front of influences of technologicals innovations
with base in the microelectronic and on the demands of the work s world. We tried with
this theme to superate the dichotomy between the theory and the practice in a
investigation movement in the educative and productive institution making the analysis
to light of these demands. There was a tentative of breaking the preconception about the
influence of economy in education. However the author tries to not absent the analysis
and critical reflexions taking out the contributions of these technologicals phenomenons
for education caring to not transcribing them, and yes, interpreting them. The author
methodological option allowed analyzing the technologies influences in the works'
world and its requisitions on the professionals' profiles and on the decurrently jobs.
Allow analyze the praxis of teachers these courses and the triad relation between
epistemology, axiology and methodology through the case's study in SENAI-BA
Institution. The author also does a brief analysis in the tendencies and in the
technological changings in the work's world in an Industrial and developed country
Germany, trying to compare the requirements and the adopted solutions by the elected
country. In this way this study contributed to strength a vision of integrated systems
between theory and practice. In this perspective the author considered that the approached phenomenons are connected in a relation of interdependence between areas
of knowledge and professional suscitating therefore a teaching praxis in the direction of
knowledge production with autonomy and creativity on the cognoscente and ethical
subject formation.