This paper deals with Religious Education and its significance for adolescents in
Elementary School in a Municipal Public School in Mirinzal/MA. Initially, in the
first chapter, concepts about the human development based on Piaget, Freud,
Erik Erikson and James Fowler are presented with regard to the cognitive,
psychosexual, psychosocial and faith spheres highlighting, shortly thereafter,
the adolescent phase. It demonstrates the relation that Religious Education has
in the process of the basic formation of the adolescent, as well as shows the
changes that have occurred in its concept and in the curricular legality during
the historical process. In the second chapter the importance of investing in
specific training of teachers to work with this curricular component in the school
is demonstrated. In the third chapter the results of the research carried out with
the adolescents and the teachers through application of questionnaires is
presented. The answered questionnaires furnished the lines of discussion for
the development of the paper. The considerations and conclusions were
presented regarding the relation between the school, the adolescent and
Religious Education in the process of the social formation of the human being.