The Educational Guidance Service, SOE (Serviço de Orientação Educacional)
develops actions in several areas within the institutional framework with the
faculty, students, family, social networks, and provide theoretical and practical
experience to students in their fields. In summary, works to promote educational
activities and / or education for students of the educational institution are guided
in their academic, professional and personal, stimulating the development of
skills, competencies and responsibilities. To learn and to broaden the scope of
the actions of SOE sought to this research, revisit its practice from the
deepening of its history and mission, also the deepening of studies on child s
moral and, finally, knowledge about the General Theory Systems. System
means connection, interdependence, circularity and feedback. Gregory
Bateson, an anthropologist and a pioneer in understanding the functioning of
the family, it is proposed that the school is considered an open system due to
the movement of its members inside and outside. In systems theory there is the
individual influencing and being influenced, reacting and interacting. The
Guidance Counselor that guides its action on systemic perspective looks at
internal and external relations and the role played by members of the family, as
well as the other groups, helps to maintain the behavior and stability of the
system as a whole. The moral child sought to frame analysis in the concepts of
moral development of Jean Piaget William Fritz. Piaget points out aspects of the
assimilation of truth and untruth, justice and injustice, respect and disrespect for
the rules received that does not come from his family, value judgments, duties
and value attributed to them. According to him, well aware of the child is the first
condition of moral life to reach the stage of reflection and formulation of ideas.