The present project discuss about the importance of children literature in the resolution of
children's living conflicts of child education. To prove the efficiency of a literature work, a
project with this art was executed in a municipal school in Novo Hamburgo/RS. The project
was developed during 2008 in classes of three and four year-olds. All the stories and poems
chosen to be explored by the group were picked by the researcher and child educator from an
"accurate hearing". Initially the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale was narrated with the idea
of exploring the question of fear and child curiosity dwelled by the protagonist of the story.
After that, the project was continued with the narration of Who is Afraid Of Wolves? This
story also focused on fear and the possibility of exploring, through the illustrated book and
made by children, the fears among the group. Then the biblical tales The Creation and
Diversity were narrated, stories that explored themes such as differences, similarities, rights
and duties present in a society. To finalize it, there were two poems by Cecilia Meireles: The
Girls and Girl's Dreams, where we were able to explore themes such as personal
characteristics, names and each one's dreams. The research proved that children are able to
make good usage of good stories narrated to them and in moments where they can express
themselves through the characters of the stories to point out facts lived by them. The children
literature, when well selected and used, is able to affront changes and enable moments to
children where, unconsciously, are reflecting to their lives. Hence, literature contributes to the
development of children and allows them to comprehend the world better and feel well and
accepted in it.