The reflections mentioned here direct it to an analysis about the importance of the
reading education - understood practical as a construction of the language act of the
writer, of its direction and of its reason, in which reader and writer, supposedly, meet in
a cooperating act as well the capacity of reading, of understanding, of reflecting, of
interacting and of acting over the reality. The reading - essential factor for the
understanding of the reality - serves to strengthen Ethical and Moral values, as well to
develop the creativity in a differentiated and challenging boarding. Reading is part of
life. With this, its practical must be involving and captivating to the point of generating
necessity and personal satisfaction. We must provide to the students a conviviality with
the reading, allowing that it fulfills its role: to widen by means of the reading of signs,
the reading of the World and to privilege the reading for the acquisition of knowledge,
understand how a historical-social process that promotes and enables the individual to
believe that the teaching of a critical reading is a component of the awareness and
development process, that will allow to the individual a more careful reflection in
relation to the social acts in which is inserted. The taste for the reading will be awaked if
the child exercises the daily reading, in a pleasant, comprehensive and comfortable
form; the taste for the reading isn t awaked for external reasons, it is internal; it already
comes with the person or then the taste for the reading will be awaked if the child will
have examples at home and will have access to the varied reading.