The present work shows the historical and political formation of teachers without
formal education in an analytic and descriptive way, based on a case study research
about "PROFORMAÇÃO" (Programa de Formação de Professores/as em Exercício)
created by the Education and Culture Ministry, in partnership with State and
Municipal governments. Fifty teachers from the municipalities of Luziânia and
Cristalina. State of Goiás, graduated in 2002, were interviewed for this research. The
answered questionnaires were processed by the Statistical Package for the Social
Science. The research consisted of four parts. The first part showed an historical and
political view on the formally unlearned teachers in Brazil, their origins and
permanence in the Public Learning System and also on the geographic region where
the unlearned teachers are concentrated. The second part analyzed, based on a
general guide, the "PROFORMAÇÃO", its syllabus, operational system and some
important aspects of the distance learning used for the teacher s formation. The third
part presents the sample population interviewed. The fourth part demonstrates that
PROFORMAÇÂO has problems in it's structural organization and needs adjustments
concerning the admission of teachers with different knowledge levels for an equal
level of teachers' formation. Finally, some suggestions to modify the program are