Through social and bibliographic research the present paper has dedicated itself to
bring a more up to date vision of how young adults/teenagers/students of the first
year of high school, belonging both to public and private schools of Paracatu-MG,
perceive school and their teachers in regard to their desire to learn, the quality of
their classes and the relationships they establish. The relevance of this investigation
consists on the fact that knowing how teenagers read and contextualize the school
environment through their necessities. It s known that several factors influence and
are present on the youthful universe and, among them, it is school. It is considered
as a sociocultural space where a multitude of ideas and behaviors express
themselves in many different ways. This research has structured itself in 2 main parts
that complement themselves. On the first part, there is a dialogue of the concept of
adolescence and youth, their characteristics and relations. This is supported by:
Alícia Fernandes, Arminda Aberastury, Contardo Calligaris, Daniel Becker, Erick
Erikson, Guilhermo Carvajal, Guy Debord, José Gimeno Sacristán, José Outeiral,
Luiz Antônio Groppo, Márcio Marguella, Marília Pontes Sposito, Mario Alighiero
Manacorda, Maurício Knobel, Paulo Freire, Philippe Áries, Roberto Daunis, Sara
Paín, among many others who have helped understand the academic context and
the adolescence process. On the legal aspect, I make use of the Federal Constitution
of 1988, the Constitutional Amendment nº 65 and the Child and Adolescent Statute.
On the second part, it s established a dialogue between the theorical contribution, my
experience as an educator and the results obtained through my researches. This
way, I have worked on finding my research question, once teenagers speech show
that the school universe and the youth contextualization need reframes.