This paper studies the pedagogical and liberating practice of Jesus, according to
Luke 24,13-35. The contents are organized in three chapters. Chapter One (Luke and the
Context of Communities in the Age of Jesus) provides an overview of the socio-political,
eligious and social context in which people lived at the time of Jesus. It is crucial to know
he reality, in order to better understand what is behind the words and actions of Jesus, in
iving with the people of Israel. Chapter Two (Life and Mission of Jesus) focuses on the
person of Jesus, His identity and characteristics that are revealed through His mission in
he perspective of interpersonal relations. Chapter Three (Interpretation of the Pedagogical
Practice of the Risen Jesus on the Road to Emmaus) makes an interpretation of Luke
24,13-25, with a focus on the Easter event and on pedagogy. This text, which is the basis
or this paper, is, in fact, a manual of theological and methodological exegesis, principle
or the task of teaching. The chapter ends with some pastoral experiences based on the
Emmaus methodology. These experiences were carried out during training meetings with
groups of catechists, teachers of religious education in moments of spirituality, retreats,
celebrations. The Appendix provides the full report of the experience that was developed in
a training course for Ministers of the Word (catechists and other pastoral agents). It was
planned along with some members of the team coordinating the parish where the event
ook place. The key words below summarize the methodological principles of the practice
of Jesus, from His journey with the Disciples of Emmaus, as in Luke 24:13-35.