The aim of this work is to try and highlight the human values present in the
interactive relations between Jesus and the women of his time. As a first step we look at some
points highlighted by an exegesis of the pericope Mk 14, 3-9 in order to get a better
understanding of the text. And in point 1.4, analysis of the content, we endeavour to
highlight the gesture of an anonymous woman, in the house of Simon the leper, anointing and
recognising Jesus as the Messiah hoped for by all. Her action guarantees for her the title of
prophetess or female prophet. In the second section of our text we see Jesus interacting freely
with women, including them in his discipleship of equals, rescuing their values and defending
them in face of the privileges of men. Through this we can substantiate the thesis that
throughout the entire history of the people of God we encounter the struggle (waged by)
women for a more dignified life either through their actions or silently. (Here) Jesus confirms
their actions and silences, giving them their rightful place and thus proclaiming them as a
paradigm of authentic discipleship.