Having as central issue 'the salvation' of BEING through the mutuality, this research
starts indicating the meaning of the word BEING to be the core of this work. We
chose the term BEING derived from the philosophy, for we understand that it best
represents the human being as a whole. We showed how such BEING is constituted
through a process of identification with the other in social relations and his identity
that is built of concepts and parameters comprising his individuality since very early
age. Salvation is seen in a broad sense as from the original Greek word, which
includes the health of BEING in all aspects such as physical, mental, psychic, self
and spiritual. We have presented the concept of Communion considered of utmost
importance for the salvation of BEING may occur in the living body of Christ. The
mutuality is analyzed as something that has been lost in recent times. Mutuality
involves developing personal relationships in the Church where the concept of God s
family is manifested and there is the possibility of salvation of the members of the
church. There are various concepts of mutuality in the Scriptures, but we chose three
of them: love, exhortation and forgiveness. The mutual love is described in three
different characteristics: the love that gives itself completely, the love that means
friendship and the love that is more focused on the care, the zeal and the diligence of
a brother to another. Secondly, we included mutual exhortation, pointing out that the
church needs the exhortation. We showed how this exhortation should be indicating
its results. We have indicated some of the texts in which the apostles used the
exhortation to confront, encourage or console the Church. And finally, it is the mutual
forgiveness starting with the definition of the concept and pointing out how this
forgiveness should be. We also demonstrated the need to release forgiveness, so
necessary for human health.