This thesis examines the prophetic text of Isaiah 65.17-25 through a semiotic
discursive analysis applied to biblical exegesis to demonstrate how this text
characterizes the persons, time and space of salvation. It is shown that the
salvation described in the text reflect the integration of the human being with
God, with the social and life contexts, and it reflects the unity of the local and
the cosmic realities. From the identification by form criticism of the literary unit
as an oracle of salvation, this analysis seeks to contribute to the theological
reflection of the concept of salvation of the Integral Mission movement in the
context of the protestant evangelical theology of Latin America.
The first chapter examines the history of interpretation of the text, starting with
its use by the New Testament writers to the recent developments of biblical
exegesis. The second chapter investigates several issues concerning the
search for meaning in the hermeneutics, linguistics and exegetical studies. It
also presents the theoretical and methodological references for the analysis.
Following a semiotic discursive criteria for the analysis of a text, chapter three
analyzes the expression of the text and, chapter four, the content.