This work addresses the following topic: ecotheology of liberation from the experiences and
knowledge construction by groups that deals with family farming. Having for its object the
Comunidade Evangélico-Luterana de Funil/MG, and its project titled, originally, Bicho do
Mato, and later developed by Cooperativa Regional Funil Solidário Ltda (COOPERSOL) we
tried to analyze the proposals developed in the theological field that analyze the consequent
relationship of faith to the ecology and, thus, understanding how these groups might perceive
the experience galvanized by the experiences of community solidarity. The theoretical
presuppositions and conceptual applications were developed by an interdisciplinary bias that
favored a Latin American contribution to both sociological and theological issues. Some key
elements of which intending to take certain conclusions were: the ethics and the respect for
life were specif questions and of paramount importance to the context on which
problematized the research, furthermore, we seek to distill aspects of a community knowledge
that sees existence from the relation with nature, a re-existência of the peasant culture in