The present research focuses on Bible Teaching as an active agent on the ethos of the
community through the application of a Pedagogical Project Policy, in an Infant school, in a
community with a high mortality rate, criminality and a great propensity for psychological
illnesses. The present work outlines the processes applied so the Pedagogical Project could
be consolidated and presents results in the quest for wholistic education for human beings.
The intention was to include, not only the students enrolled in CEEI `Arthur Montanha´, but
the community at large of Jardim Solemar district in São José Santa Catarina State. The
agents responsible for the realization of the ethos of the community in question can be
enumerated in the following way: primarily Bible Teaching; an Infant school; active
participation in the Assembly of God Institution; all of these items aiming at social
transformation. The therapeutic places offered to all the community also can be classified as a
contributing factor in the effective results of the present research.