This paper discusses the necessity of a conscious and active participation of parents
in the spiritual development of children, considering that the family is recognized as
the main former of spirituality of children. The research is developed from biblical and
theological principles. Necessities, characteristics and forms of communication with
children within their different age group are analyzed for an adequate spiritual
nurture. Since this is a recurrent theme in the discussion about nurture at homes, the
research seeks to comprehend the role of parents in the nurture of children and the
possible contrast found in the care which is provided at today s Christian homes. The
first part of the paper deals with the origins of the rational principles of human being,
that is, the ways in which the knowledge is acquired. Afterwards, we approach the
concepts about God, the nature of evil, the salvific plan, the means of grace, self
esteem and freedom of choice, elements that cause actions, which may influence the
infant to choose their own Judeo-Christian spirituality. Finally, the teaching and the
socialization within the groups of children aged 0-10 are under the parents